Espen - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

As you might have noticed, I’ve been behind on blogging lately. Shamefully so, and you have my sincerest apologies. As a lifelong Alaskan, you’d think I’d know better, but it seems that as every winter approaches, I think about the long, dark indoor months ahead and start to pile on activity after activity, task after task, onto my calendar to fill those winter months… forgetting that it’s still possible to overdo it! At any rate, however, the daylight is steadily increasing and I’m re-dedicating myself to getting caught up before spring strikes us full force.

Which is all to say that I’ve waited way too long to get this particular session up and featured on the blog, because I love it. Macinsey originally contacted me about doing a Fresh 48 session for their first child, but little Espen had other plans and arrived before we’d managed to get plans in place! Since their first few weeks went not-quite-as-expected, Macinsey asked if I would instead be able to do a lifestyle baby session with them later in the fall, so they’d have recent pictures of the baby to gift to their family for the holidays.

And so that’s exactly what we did. Macinsey and I met briefly for coffee in order to design a lifestyle session to take place in their home on Fort Wainwright, and I just love the results – and I hope you do, too. These photographs exemplify why lifestyle photography is my passion: I love capturing those slice-of-life images, freezing the moment when two people glance at each other or gaze at their new baby; the authentic smiles, unconscious caresses, and gently intimate moments that occur between a family in love.